The mask has been used by Anonymous and thousands of others worldwide in recent history as a unifying symbol against the forces that still promote discrimination, corruption, injustice, and oppression in any form in our society today.

By wearing the mask, activists are together with the trillions of animals unnecessarily exploited and killed every year by the globalised animal-food industries.

In 2016, when establishing the first actions of AV in Melbourne, Australia, the choice of mask for Paul Bashir and Asal Alamdari seemed obvious since the mask represents a global movement in the current century in alignment with the values of the organisation they wanted to create.

The mask stands for stamping out oppression. It represents the fight for truth and is against all injustice and discrimination, including speciesism.

As well as this particular design being readily available to buy worldwide, we also use masks to ensure the attention of bystanders is on the footage and not our people behind the screens. Masks are useful too for new volunteers and those who aren't yet comfortable interacting with the public.
